New online courses now available

New topics

B2B sales for ICT companies
Active sales support, business development, management, strategies, coaching, field support, manuals
Optimized human resources for ICT companies
Recruiting, Interviews, Personnel Selection, Onboarding, Managed Services
Training / education
Training of hard and soft skills, individually and proffessionally by experienced trainers 
Business Improvement
Improvement of your processes, introduction of modern methods and tools, Scrum, digitization, IoT

Trends for sales
Customer Journey: By brightening up the “Darkside of the Customer Journey”, sovereignty over the purchasing process must be regained.
Market development: Excellent market intelligence is the prerequisite for successful market and customer analysis in real time.
Digital transformation: Only through an individually designed digital transformation in sales can important competitive advantages be saved and new ones gained.
Source: Based on: “Reclaiming sovereignty through digitalization” (Sales Excellence Issue 12 | 2018, page 44).