If sales do not achieve the desired goals and overall sales successes seem rather mixed, there can be a variety of different causes for this. It is possible, for example, that the distribution channels are not optimally used, for example, if the distribution on distribution channels which only partially meets with the approval of customers, but at the same time does not or only casually uses promising sales channels.

Such vulnerabilities can be detected by a comparative assessment. Another cause may be salespeople who are not sufficiently qualified or motivated. Here are measures for sales optimization in the form of training, education and appropriate incentive systems possible. Weaknesses in the sales organization can by analyzing the planning and the sales controlling be determined and mitigated by appropriate countermeasures.

Last but not least, the distribution structure itself should be critically scrutinized. As the market is constantly changing, distribution structures that have been developed some time ago can no longer be up to date and in line with the market.

In principle, however, it makes sense to carry out sales optimization measures at regular intervals, because sales are the part of the business that generates sales and thus ensures that the costs can be covered and the higher-level corporate goals achieved.

For example, the analysis and action can be carried out on the basis of a checklist adapted to the company, its portfolio of services and the market environment.